A week on El Camino - From Le Puy to the Aubrac plateau

Cover Image for A week on El Camino - From Le Puy to the Aubrac plateau
Lisa & Pol
by Lisa & Pol
This post is linked to the following video :
Youtube thumbnail
Pilgrims on Compostela | Our experience after a week on El Camino

Filmed on : August 2023

Filmed in : El Camino

Le Puy-en-VelaySaint-AlbanSauguesLajoAumont AubracAubracSaint-Chély d'Aubrac

Our itinerary






Le Puy





















Saint Chély d'Aubrac


Some tips

Start in Le Puy en Velay, it's a very popular start, relatively easy to access via train and above all, attend the 7am mass at the cathedral. Many pilgrims are there, it's a moment to get to know the faces you are gonna see along your trail. You can also get your credential at that point.

The backpacks of the pilgrims at Le Puy cathedral
The backpacks of the pilgrims at Le Puy cathedral
The incredible start from Le Puy cathedral
The incredible start from Le Puy cathedral

Don't plan on covering long distances on the first days, as you need to give your body some time to adjust to the effort. Many injuries occur at the start of the journey. For example, we started with 22, 19 and 24km. You'll want to wake up pretty early (from 6 to 8) and walk as much as possible before the sun shines to bright. Once you stop for lunch, it's quite hard to continue so we always pushed our meal break.

Morning routines continue even on Compostela
Morning routines continue even on Compostela
1464km to go
1464km to go

On the way, you'll find churches and chapels where volunteers will welcome you and be available for questions, and assistance.

There are many chapels on El Camino
There are many chapels on El Camino

On the way, you will sometimes be quite remote, with little options for accommodation, groceries and restaurants. Plan accordingly, especially if you don't carry a tent. It's quite frequent to see pilgrims hitchhike to get to their guesthouse, the locals are happy to help.

Being in the wild is very rewarding and you'll get to discover landscapes and approach animals that live in amazing conditions. Crossing the Aubrac plateau for example was absolutely breathtaking !

So many cows
So many cows

Like anywhere, it might start raining. The trail becomes muddy, you'll get wet, the effort gets harder. Check the weather forecast, have your waterproof jackets ready and pack good shoes !

Our team, dressed for all weathers
Our team, dressed for all weathers

Some people prefer walking with a stick, but it can create a disbalance if you rely on it to much, so try to keep that in mind. You will lose/forget your stick at least 4 times per day :)

Lisa discovered the 4th day that she prefers walking with a stick
Lisa discovered the 4th day that she prefers walking with a stick

In the end, walking 6 days on El Camino gave us so much energy, as we never sleep this much, eat this good or do that much effort. Our body really thanked us. None of us got injured ! We used NOK cream on the feet to avoid blisters.

Two pilgrims happy to be there
Two pilgrims happy to be there

Lisa & Pol
Lisa & Pol
We're a Slovak-French couple in our twenties who just finished backpacking Africa from Cairo to Cape Town in 300 days. One of our goals is to inspire travellers to go explore this often forgotten continent. On this blog we're focusing on providing up to date info about prices and itineraries, especially geared towards backpackers on a budget. We also create content on Youtube and Insta if you prefer a more visual approach 😉
Categories : France
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